
You will be astonished to know that the Nuclear Battery of China is the World’s first Nuclear Battery having a life span of 50 Years!

Betavolt, a Chinese startup, proudly introduces the world’s first miniaturized atomic energy system. Their nuclear batteries utilize nuclear isotopes, specifically 63 nuclear isotopes, to generate electricity through the decay of a radioactive isotope.

Nuclear Battery of China
Nuclear Battery of China: 1st Nuclear Battery in the World has a life span of 50 Years

The Beta Volt BV100 is a nuclear battery smaller than a coin with an extraordinary 50-year lifespan. This betavoltaic device operates by generating electricity from beta particles emitted by a radioactive source.

Betavolt’s claim is remarkable – their batteries require no maintenance and can produce electricity for 50 years without charge. This exceptional longevity is achieved using diamond semiconductors and nickel-63, a radioactive isotope.

Atomic Batteries:

An atomic battery, also known as a nuclear battery or radioisotope generator, taps into the energy released from the decay of radioactive isotopes to generate electricity. The terms nuclear battery, atomic battery, and radioisotope generator are often used interchangeably, highlighting the common theme of utilizing radioactive decay for power.

Nuclear Battery of China (Betavolt’s Innovative Technology):

Betavolt, a Chinese startup, is disrupting the field with a unique approach. Unlike traditional thermonuclear batteries, Betavolt’s technology harnesses the semiconductor transition of beta particles from the radioactive source nickel-63. The groundbreaking aspect lies in their ultra-thin single-crystal diamond semiconductor, known as an ultra-wide band gap (UWBG) semiconductor, measuring just 10µ thick.

Nuclear Battery of China (Betavolt's Innovative Technology)
Nuclear Battery of China (Betavolt’s Innovative Technology)

This innovation involves placing a 2µ thick nickel-63 sheet between two diamond semiconductor converters. Through this setup, the decay energy transforms into an electrical current, forming an independent unit. The modularity of these nuclear batteries allows them to be combined in series or parallel, facilitating the creation of products with diverse sizes and capacities. Betavolt’s approach marks a significant departure from conventional methods, opening up new possibilities in energy technology.

The BV100 Breakthrough:

Betavolt claims a groundbreaking achievement with the BV100, a miniaturized “atomic energy battery” about the size of a coin. This battery, powered by nickel-63, boasts an impressive 50-year lifespan without recharging. Betavolt converts the decay energy into electricity by utilizing diamond semiconductors, marking a significant leap in battery technology.

Nuclear Battery of China: Betavolt's BV100
Nuclear Battery of China: Betavolt’s BV100

Zhang Wei, Betavolt’s chairman and CEO, stated that the BV100 is set to be the world’s first mass-produced nuclear battery. The company aims to release a 1-watt power battery in 2025, potentially revolutionizing how we power devices.

The Beta Volt BV100 Battery:

  • Size: 15 x 15 x 5 mm
  • Power rating: 100 mW at 3V
  • Production: 8.64 J per day and 3153 J per year
  • Temperature range: -60°C to 120°C
  • Safety: Fireproof, explosion-proof, and does not catch fire or explode when punctured or exposed to high temperatures.
Nuclear Battery of China: Betavolt's BV100
Nuclear Battery of China: Betavolt’s BV100

Betavolt plans to release a larger 1 W model of the BV100 in 2025 that may be more suitable for phones and drones.

Beta Volt Battery Density:

Betavoltaic batteries typically have a power density of nano to micro-watts per cubic centimeter. For example, one betavoltaic device has a power density of 10 micro-watts per cubic centimeter and a power output of about 1 micro-watt.

Betavoltaic batteries have an energy density that’s 102 to 104 times higher than chemical or fossil fuels. They have a long lifetime potential of several tens to hundreds of years. However, conversion efficiencies have been historically low (<3%).

How A Betavoltaic Device Works: 

  1. The betavoltaic device stores energy in a beta-emitting radioisotope.
  2. The beta particles interact with a semiconductor p–n junction, creating electron-hole pairs.
  3. The built-in potential of the p-n junction accelerates the electrons and ions to their respective collectors.

Betavoltaic devices use a non-thermal conversion process. Unlike most nuclear power sources, they don’t use nuclear radiation to generate heat, which is then used to generate electricity. 

Betavoltaic devices have high power density, meaning they can release a large amount of power quickly when needed. 

Advantages of Betavoltic Battery:

1. Ultra-long lifespan:

50 years is a game-changer, potentially revolutionizing industries reliant on frequent device replacements.

2. Maintenance-free:

No charging or recharging eliminates ongoing hassles and costs.

3. Compact size:

It opens up possibilities for powering small devices without bulky batteries.

4. Applications:

Medical implants, environmental sensors, remote monitoring systems, and even long-duration space missions.

5. Challenges and Concerns:

Safety: Radiation concerns are inevitable with nuclear technology. Betavolt assures zero external radiation, but long-term safety studies and robust regulations are crucial.

6. Cost:

The initial production cost could be high, and diamond-based technology might not be readily scalable, impacting affordability.

7. Waste disposal:

 Proper management of radioactive waste needs to be thoroughly addressed.

8. Global acceptance:

Regulatory hurdles and public perception of nuclear technology might hinder widespread adoption.

9. Current Stage:

Betavolt reportedly plans to launch the BV100 commercially in 2025, followed by a 1-watt battery by 2027.

Independent assessments and verification of Betavolt’s claims are ongoing. Other Chinese entities are also actively involved in nuclear battery research and development.

Overall, China’s nuclear battery development shows great promise for revolutionizing energy supply in various sectors.

Disadvantages of Betavoltic Battery:

While betavoltaic batteries offer impressive lifespans, they come with certain limitations and drawbacks to consider:

1. Cost:

The radioactive materials used, particularly tritium and plutonium, are expensive and require specialized handling and processing. This drives up the cost of the battery significantly compared to traditional options.

2. Low Power Output:

Betavoltaic batteries generate very low power – typically microwatts to milliwatts – limiting their applications to low-power devices like sensors, medical implants, and remote instrumentation.

3. Radioactivity Concerns:

Though the radiation emitted by betavoltaic batteries is low-energy and easily shielded, there are still safety concerns about handling and disposal. Strict regulations and licensing requirements add to the complexity and cost of using these batteries.

4. End-of-Life Management:

Disposing of spent betavoltaic batteries requires specialized facilities and protocols due to the radioactive materials involved as radioactive material poses environmental and health hazards.

5. Limited Availability:

Certain isotopes like tritium have limited availability and are subject to export controls. This can create supply chain challenges and hinder large-scale adoption.

6. Technological Immaturity:

Betavoltaic technology is still under development, and its efficiency and performance are constantly improving. However, compared to mature battery technologies, betavoltaics might not offer the same level of reliability and predictability.

7. Application Specificity:

The specific characteristics of betavoltaic batteries (low power, radioactive source) make them unsuitable for most mainstream applications where traditional batteries excel. Their niche nature limits their overall market potential.

8. Regulations and Licensing:

Due to the use of radioactive materials, stricter regulations, and licensing requirements apply to betavoltaic batteries compared to other battery technologies. This adds to the complexity and cost of development, manufacturing, and use.

Safety And Environmental Impact:

Betavolt emphasizes the safety of its atomic energy batteries. The technology undergoes a decay period, transforming the radioactive nickel-63 isotope into a stable, non-radioactive copper isotope. This process eliminates environmental threats or pollution, ensuring absolute safety without external radiation.

The company’s claim of a 50-year charge cycle opens up exciting possibilities for sustainability in electronic devices. Imagine a world where charging your phone becomes a rare occurrence. Betavolt’s innovation could reshape how we approach longevity and sustainability in electronic devices, marking a significant step toward a more efficient and sustainable future.


In summary, Beta Volt’s nuclear battery, the BV100, is a game-changer in energy tech. China’s innovation in creating the world’s first mini atomic energy system is turning heads globally.

The BV100 is tiny, smaller than a coin, but packs a punch with a 50-year lifespan. Using diamond semiconductors and nickel-63, it’s not just small; it’s a powerhouse for sustainable energy.

Beta Volt claims it is maintenance-free and can last 50 years without charging. If true, this could reshape how we use energy, making it more reliable and eco-friendly.

As Beta Volt moves forward, the BV100 holds the promise of transforming how we view and use power. Ongoing scrutiny, innovation, and a focus on safety will decide the future of this groundbreaking technology. Beta Volt’s nuclear battery is not just a tech marvel; it could be a game-changer in the quest for lasting and green energy sources.

Remember: While betavoltaic batteries offer incredible lifespans, they typically provide very low power compared to traditional batteries. They are best suited for low-power applications where frequent recharging is impractical or impossible.

FAQs on Nuclear Battery of China:

1. What is the life of a betavoltaic battery?

The lifespan of a betavoltaic battery depends on the specific isotope used and the amount present. However, they generally boast significantly longer lifespans than traditional batteries:
a) Tritium batteries: These are common and offer lifespans of 20 years or more. Their power output gradually decreases over time due to the tritium’s natural decay (half-life of 12.32 years).
b) Nickel-63 batteries: A recent breakthrough in January 2024 revealed a miniaturized nickel-63 betavoltaic device claiming a lifespan of 50 years with its current power output. This technology is still under development but shows potential for even longer durations.
c) Plutonium batteries are less common due to safety and regulatory concerns. Their lifespans can reach centuries due to plutonium’s extremely long half-life (e.g., plutonium-238 has a half-life of 87 years).

2. How long does a tritium battery last?

As mentioned above, tritium batteries typically last 20 years or more with declining power output over time. The specific lifespan depends on the amount of tritium used and the device’s power demands.

3. What is the life of a plutonium battery?

Plutonium batteries can last for centuries due to the long half-life of plutonium isotopes. However, their use is limited due to safety concerns and stricter regulations surrounding radioactive materials.

4. Can beta radiation generate electricity?

Yes, beta radiation can generate electricity through the betavoltaic effect. In betavoltaic batteries, beta particles emitted by the radioactive isotope inside collide with a semiconductor material, dislodging electrons and creating a current. This current can then be used to power small devices.